Saturday, September 19, 2015 5:38:22 PM

Iran's security forces allegedly arrested at least five student activists on September 16, 2015, HRANA has learned.
Officials arrested activists in the cities of Tehran and Karaj on Wednesday, included Hussein Jandaghian, Siyamak Molla-Mohammadi (Zhooan), Kiana (Didar) Karimpoor, Sepehrdad Saheban and Mehrban Keshavarzi.
They were arrested during the separate attacks at their houses and taken to Evin prison, according to the news. Security forces confiscated their personal belongings such as personal computers and books in the attack. Most of them were allegedly graduated or studied at Khajeh Nasir Toosi University.Previously, Ali Nejati, an Iranian labor activist and one of the leaders of the Syndicate of Labors of Haft Tapeh SugarCane, was detained by security forces under prosecutor warrant on September 15, 2015.
Intelligence Service officials arrested him in an attack on his house and transferred him to detention, his personal belongings such as personal computer has been reportedly seized.
Mr. Nejati suffers from heart diseases, as the syndicate stated. Another labor activist was arrested by security forces in Bandar Lengeh Port in the south of Iran on Saturday, September 5, 2015. Mr. Mohammad-Reza Karimi, an Iranian labor activist, worked in Bandar Lengeh Port Office, was summoned to receive his personal belongings in the former arrest that led him to jailed. He was arrested and kept in temporary detention for 24 hours on first of September 2015.
Seyed Mansoor Mousavi, an Iranian educator and union activist, was detained in an attack at his house, his relatives declared. He, 34, had been previously detained for two times due to his political activities in Medias. Mr. Mousavi graduated in Educational Management field at Allameh Tabataba'i University.