Tuesday, June 7, 2016 3:39:31 PM

Arash Sadeghi and his wife Golrokh.
Arash Sadeghi was arrested by Verdict Execution officers on June 7, 2016 and sent to the notorious Evin prison. Arash,30 went to Shahid Moghadasi court of Evin to get information on his sentencing status when he was arrested and sent to prison to serve a 19-year-term imprisonment, said his relative.He is being held at Ward 8 of the Evin prison amongst criminals imprisoned for serious offences such as pirates, thieves, embezzlement, fraud and forgery.
Arash Sadeghi, the Iranian student rights activist, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment at Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court chaired by infamous Judge Salavati, his wife Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, 35, also sentenced to six years in prison. The bias Judge Salavati also brought back a 4 year suspended sentence against Arash Sadeghi which made the total penalty 19 years in prison. They were denied the rights to have a lawyer present while in trial.
Arash Sadeghi, whom was kicked out of Alameh Tabatabai University, was arrested by IRGC officials at his work on 6th Sep, 2014.
Mr. Sadeghi was accused of "gathering demonstration and collusion against the regime", "propaganda against the regime", "insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran" and "spreading false news in cyberspace".
Golrokh, graduated in the field of accounting, was sentenced to six years in prison on the ambiguous charges of "propaganda against the regime of Iran" and "blasphemy" at the Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court. She was sentenced to imprisonment in an absentia trial.
Arash's detention had been frequently extended despite his critical health condition. He has had extremely painful experiences in prison" both psychologically and physically when officials raided his father's house at 4 am on 30 Oct 2010 during his former arrest. His mother suffered a fatal heart attack and died as a result of the shock of the raid.
As a result of torture inflicted in the Ministry of Intelligence detention centers on 2014, he suffered a broken rib and shoulder and to this day he is still suffering from those injuries. He needs effective and urgent medical care, including surgery on his injured shoulder.
Contrary to the imperative medical care, Arash's detention had been extended, and he had been exposed for about seven months to solitary confinement in the Intelligence Agency's prison.
On 12 Oct 2013, he was released from Ward 209 of the notorious Evin prison, after 18 months in solitary confinement, torture and hunger strike; only after 11 months being free he was arrested again on 6 Sep 2014 and was transferred to Ward 2-A of Sepah (IRGC) detention center.
Finally, they were released on the bail of 600 million Tomans (21,000 $) from the prison, till the trial to be met.
Mr. Sadeghi is one of the students who was denied education because of his student's activity. Many of the Iranian citizens were deprived of education and occupation because of their civil-political activities ever since the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979.
Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee would not be able to attend in the court due to her critical condition after the Overian Fibroma surgery, the verdict was carried out in absentia. The most serious and widespread health risk to her comes from the operation.
Ultimately, Islamist authorities of occupied Iran affirmed highest sentence against Arash Sadeghi (19 years in prison) and his wife Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee (6 years in prison) on February 22, 2016. The sentence was previously held at Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court chaired by Judge Salivate.
"Arash Sadeghi, a student of philosophy major at Alameh University was kicked out and dropped. When he was out on bail based on unjustified charges he was facing he couldn't get a job and also he didn't have any civil rights. On 2014 when he was arrested he was denied the right to a lawyer and after appeal regardless of his lawyer's argument and all the evidence his sentencing was kept and finalized. Arash was sentenced to 19 years in prison. 15 years of his sentencing was for recent charges and 4 years from last case, confirmed by Judge Salavati. Aside not having a lawyer present, Arash was moved to evin to serve his sentence without a summon. This morning (06/07/2016) he went to Moghadas court for follow up on his case and was arrested and taken to Evin prison. Me and Arash never received a call or letter of summon, our rights were taken away from us. Where and to whom do I complaint of all this????", written on Facebook Profile of Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, civil rights activist and Arash's wife.
"I have not seen many who can survive 19 years of imprisonment in Iran, under conditions like malnutrition, illness and many other unexpected dangers and challenges like Cancer which is the newest fast spreading situation going on in prisons. If we don't help Arash and keep silent on this accusation and punishment or if we censor him based on our thought differences, then we have crossed the line of humanity", Behrouz Javid Tehrani, the former political prisoner and Human Rights activist, said.
"This is the regime with which six super powers signed a nuclear treaty. Iran's deal supporters are absolutely responsible for our loved ones' lives in the Iranian prison. Unfortunately, in the Islamic Republic of Iran the Human Rights situation is astonishingly in grave danger, but the international community and so-called Human Rights organizations are not taking the proper and effective steps toward solving the problem. I kindly ask global villagers to urge their governments to bring a real pressure upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to release the political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in the country", Kaveh Taheri, the former political activist, journalist and Human Rights activist told BCR Group.
"To be free as a human is to be free from Islamic laws! A son, a husband, a friend, a human is in hands of an evil regime of Islamic republic as a prisoner while the world sleeps deeply. Most important aspect of life has been faded away from human society as we separate our borders and ignore what is happening to our fellow human. We demand freedom for all humanity under any faith and or Ideology" Aynaz Anni Cyrus, Survivor of Sharia and Human Rights Activist said.
Please make sure to sign and share his PETITION as it could be very helpful to his freedom.