Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:06:10 PM

Shahnaz Akmali, who was arrested by security forces on Thursday morning, has informed her family that authorities agreed to release her on a $25,000 USD bail, BCR Group has learned.
In a phone call from Evin Prison, Shahnaz Akmali told her family that authorities has currently locked up her in Ward 209 of Tehran notorious Evin prison, confirms HRANA.
Shahnaz Akmali, the mother of Moustafa Karimbeigi, a 26-year-old peaceful street protester who was shot and killed in Iran during the 2009 Ashura uprising, was reportedly arrested at her work place on the morning of Wednesday January 25.
According to sources close to the Karimbeigi family, Iranian regime authorities took Ms. Akmali to her house and confiscated all of Shahnaz's personal belongings. The HRANA news agency reported that at least five regime agents were involved in Shahnaz's arrest and transfer to an unknown location.
Shahnaz Akmali was allegedly transferred to hospital last night for a few hours, according to the news.
In this regard, Iranian activists have started #FreeOurMom to draw attention to the unlawful detention of Shahnaz Akmali, a brave & peaceful mother.
Iranian activists are deeply concerned about Shahnaz's situation and are calling on the international community to take action.
She is currently kept in cells of Ward 209 along with a few of inmates at Evin prison in Tehran. Ward 209 is a solitary confinement ward run by the regime's Ministry of Intelligence. Although ward 209 is inside Evin, it operates outside prison jurisdiction. Ward 209 is in the complete control of the Ministry of Intelligence, and they have immunity to do as they please.
In addition, Since the death her son, Shahnaz and her family have faced repeated threats by Iranian authorities and are under constant pressure and surveilance.