Friday, July 15, 2016 11:12:02 AM
By: Kaveh Taheri

Appeal Court rejected Shahram's lawyer request for a retrial and remains death penalty against him. The verdict has been submitted to his lawyer on October 25, 2015, and referred to Iran's Supreme Court, BCR Group has learned.
Shahram Ahmadi, 30, the Sunni Kurdish prisoner of conscience, was sentenced to capital punishment for the ambiguous charges of "Moharebeh", "acting against national security" and "propaganda against the regime of Iran" at Branch 28 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court chaired by Judge Moghiseh on October 12, 2012 [He was trialed in a so-called court in 5 minutes]. Judge Moghiseh, based on forced confessions, reportedly sentenced Shahram to death.
He, from Sanandaj city, was arrested by IRGC officers on April 26, 2009 and taken into isolation.
After almost ten days he was transferred from IRGC detention house to Intelligence Office. Shahram was held in solitary confinement cells for 33 months in Ward 350 of the notorious Evin prison in Tehran, before being transferred to Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj. Shahram had been also kept in the prisons of Sanandaj and Zanjan since the arrest.
His younger brother, Bahram Ahmadi, was executed in Ghezel Hesar prison along with five other Sunni preachers on 27 December 2012.
Mr. Shahram Ahmadi, A Sunni prisoner, suffers from kidney infections. He has entered into his eight year of his prison term.
However, his activities were reportedly linked to cultural-religious affairs such as preaching in public places such as mosques and universities, participating in the religious (Sunni) meeting, distribution religious books and CDs, religious holiday's prayer, funding religious ceremonies and training of seminarian courses.
The Letter of his Mother her Second Son to Be Hanged
They are going to kill [hang] my second son. My Shahram yet to be 30 years old. He has been in prison for seven years. Most of his incarceration, he has been held in solitary confinement. Now, his death sentence for religious activities in the mosque, has been sent to the Execution of the Warrants Department. What can I do as a palsy mother? Bahram, his brother, was also hanged. How much a mother can tolerate? Every day and night I cry out to God and ask him to give me my death.
As a Sunni Muslim, we are not heard [in Iran]. Isn't this the quote by Imam Hussein of Shiites: "If you don't believe in any religion [and don't fear the Resurrection Day], at least be free in this world"? Do something to save my son. I have lived enough, it's a couple of years that I have become palsy, even can't go to Tehran to visit my son [in prison]. Hang me instead of him and finish everything. Death is better than this life that you have made for me. My son is yet to be 30, for what sin you kill our children this easy? I swear to the only God, one day, you must answer for these innocent bloods [that you have shed].
Sunni Prisoners Situation in Iran
According to the critical condition of more than 74 Sunni Kurd prisoners who overall have been convicted to prison terms which estimated from five to thirty-three year in Rajai Shahr prison. In addition, 39 of them have been convicted to death by Revolutionary Court of the regime, although, the Six prisoners of them including Hamed Ahmadi, Kamal Molaei, Jahangir Dehghani, Jamshid Dehghani, Sedigh Mohammadi and Hadi Husseini were executed on 4 March 2015.
This report has mentioned on the numbers of Sunni prisoners that would not tend to publish their news, because the relatives of some prisoners are panicked to publish news of their imprisoned children after they were severely threatened by officials of the regime of Iran. Torture, beating, mock execution and brutal interrogation are the norms against Sunni Kurd prisoners that most of them are unknown due to weak media and Human Rights Organizations.
They have had extremely painful experiences in prison both psychologically and physically during interrogation by torturers. Broken captives are thrown into solitary confinement and horrific interrogation rooms, where the goal of inquisition through inhuman and cruel methods. The condition of prisoners is alarming and worrying as reports have acknowledged.
They are brutally tortured and threatened through pressure of their families, hanging from ceiling that lead them to break their shoulder, lethal medicine injection, hangs up weight to the testis, keeping in cold weather, threats of rape, severe lashes on the bed, beating by shocker, beating to the sensitive organs (head, cerebellum, neck, spine, stomach, shin, knee, back of knee), mock execution and long-term imprisonment in solitary confinement.
Rajai Shahr Prison has scheduled a possible execution of Shahram Ahmadi along with 34 Sunni Kurdish men. Shahram is in imminent danger of execution after his lawyer's request for a retrial was rejected by Iranian authorities.
Hereof, BCR Group asks halting the death penalty by writing immediately in Persian, English or your own language:
- Urging the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Shahram Ahmadi and release him immediately and unconditionally;
Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street- End of Shahid
Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:[email protected]
Twitter: @khamenei_ir
Salutation: Your Excellency
Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
c/o Public Relations Office
Number 4, 2 Azizi Street intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation: Your Excellency
And copies to:
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hassan Rouhani
The Presidency
Pasteur Street, Pasteur Square
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Twitter: @HassanRouhani (English)
@Rouhani_ir (Persian)
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.
Further: Iranian activists have expressed their concern by signing a petition and demanding an Immediate & Unconditional dismissal of charges against Sunni Kurdish man Shahram Ahmadi.