Thursday, July 23, 2015 7:29:32 PM

On 22 July 2015, 11 inmates were hanged by gallows in the yard of Rajai Shahr prison earlier morning Wednesday, and also the contemporary execution carried out in the city of Isfahan.
The 11inmates who were reportedly convicted to death by gallows on the charge of murder hanged in Rajai Shahr yard, 22 July 2015. They were taken to the solitary confinement to execution from the different wards in the prison.
Hussein Yazdani, Abul-Hassan Mousavi and Amir Salehi were among the executed as rights groups said.
Another prisoner S.B also allegedly executed on the charge of rape in Isfahan city according to the Justice Department of the province report on 22 July 2015.
Amnesty International released an assessment, 22 July, regarding to rise number of the capital punishment which estimated nearly 700 in just over first six months, January 1 and July 15, 2015, and said in an unprecedented spike in executions in Iran.
�If Iran�s officials maintain this horrifying death penalty rate we are likely to see more than 1,000 state-sanctioned deaths by the year�s end�, Amnesty International declared.
�The regime�s murder machine boggled just a few hours after Iran's nuke agreement, and capital punishments inaugurated despite Iran�s Human Rights activists frail optimism�, an Iranian Human Rights journalist Kaveh Taheri who was a former prisoner in conscience, 2102, added that neither Human Rights nor economy and social situation would face advantageous and we would certainly to see growing violations both execution and mass arbitrary arrests in the country. He has seriously concerned over non-ending systematic Human Rights violations such as execution and mass arbitrary arrests.
He has strictly objected the Human Rights defenders and organizations plunged in �childish joy� after Iran Nuke agreement. The former political prisoner said that the six power immolate citizens� chance achieving freedom by their own mass power, freedom would be stopped by lifted sanction without any serious concerns over Iran�s Human Rights situation. Unblocking Regime�s assets surely upholds executor Mullahs supporting their allied as Hamas, Assad�s regime and some terrorist groups in the region.
By: Laleh Moazenzadeh