Thursday, October 13, 2016 1:33:37 PM
Thousands of Syrians are being slaughtered as a result of civil war, millions displaced. Whereas, Iranian citizens both political prisoners and prisoners of conscience or prisoners for serious crimes are jailed, brutally tortured and disgracefully denied for medical care. Dozens denial-related death cases reported from Iran prisons annually that unofficial statistics represent higher rate of death estimates to hundreds.

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Iran denying medical care to prisoners especially political prisoners as a medieval punishment, activists concern.
Many prisoners including prisoners of conscience, Ebrahim Firoozi, Maryam Naghash Zargaran, Masoud Rezai, Mohammad Roghangir, Behnam Irani, Zeynab Jalalian, Mahvash Shahriari, Narges Mohammadi, Reyhaneh Hajebrahim, Sedigheh Moradi, Fatemeh Mosana, Fariba Kamal Abadi, Delshad Vasimi, Behnam Moosivand, Alireza Golipour, Alireza Rasouli, Afid Naimi, Abdolfattah Soltani Ayatollah Boroujerdi and Ayatollah Niknam, are among those whose cases have reported by Human Rights activists.

70% of new prisoners suffer from dicease once arriving the prisons, Asghar Jahangir head of the prisons organization said.
Numerous death reports received about those prisoners who are sick and in horrible condition due to torture and illness. Authorities have still refused health treatment and put them under pressure. These sad reports have caused concern of prisoner's relatives, BCR Group has learned. Recently, 32yo man died in Central Zahedan prison due to lack of medical care, Baluch Activist Campaign reported.
Several detailed reports from prisons throughout Iran, including Karoon Prison in Ahvaz, Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz, Bandar Abbas Central Prison, Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad, Great Tehran prison also known as Fashafooyeh and others have decried a lack of adequate healthcare facilities, clean drinking water, and poor nutrition and sanitation.
Excruciating condition of prisoners forces them to take sedative pill. In most cases, they get addicted to the pills and will continue after release. Some former prisoners have expressed the belief that prison authorities prevent access to medical care and adequate living standards with the goal of wearing down prisoners in a kind of war of attrition. "The denial of medical care is being used as a mean to extract 'confession' from prisoners or to intimidate or punish them", confirms Amnesty International.

Many prisoners attempt to confront the daily injustices of prison life the only way they have -through hunger strikes. But in turn, these hunger strikes exacerbate existing illnesses and can also lead to new ones.
Read More:
Serious Outbreak of Clothes Lice at Rajai Shahr Prison of Karaj
Viral and Fungal Diseases Spreading in Central Zahedan Prison