Monday, May 2, 2016 9:05:35 AM

Iran human rights situation is being continued; the international community still silent.
Author: Kaveh Taheri
Not long ago, Bloomberg News published an old-fashioned softball article implying that Iranian women are now living in Paradise by leading with the following title: "Women in Iran are ready to make career gains in a way few of their peers can in the Gulf Arab world". Recently, The Economist broadcasted a censored report "Human rights in Iran are still atrocious" without considering the depth of the disasters over ethnic and religious minorities or mentioning socio-economic crisis and politics. Thus, the following piece assigns the truth that no one else will because most of information about Iran comes from apologist reformists, who will not say even a word in defense of poor marginalized citizens on the sidelines Iran's borders or non-reformist political prisoners and minorities.
"After 37 years of Islamic ruling in Iran, the only achievement is the rise of execution, imprisonment, poverty and inhumanity. Mass executions of the 1980's. Hanging of those charged as Juvenile. Arrests and execution of civil and human rights activists. Oppression and degradation of women. Dictatorship which governs even laws of proper attire. Prostitution that starts as early as 11 years of age. Extreme records of drug abuse. Suffering and sky high poverty. Absolutely no rights for its citizens. Racism and baseless executions of all religious and ethnic minorities. And millions of human rights violations and systematic tyranny and oppression reported daily by Iranian human rights activists.
The executions are at the highest level since 89s, with at least 60 executions by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the first quarter of 2016 while the country had at least 966 executions last year. At this shocking pace, an astonishing 694 people have been executed between 1 January to 15 July 2015 in an unprecedented spike in executions in the country since 80s, Amnesty International said. In addition, tens of Sunni Kurd prisoners are on death row on the vague charges of Moharebeh "enmity against God", the sentences upheld by the Islamic Revolutionary Court. Six of them, Hamed Ahmadi, Kamal Mollaei, Hadi Husseini, Sedigh Mohamadi, Jamshid Dehghani and Jahangir Dehghani, were executed in Rajai Shahr prison on 4 March 2015, all the executed inmates were young between the ages of 27 to 33 years old.
Iran: Renewed death sentences for juvenile offenders show 'contempt' for children's rights, Amnesty International said.
"We do not have second-class citizens", the elected president Hassan Rouhani disgracefully claimed. However, out of Iran's 77 million population, 10 million are unemployed, so long as thousands are living in the streets. At least 37% of beggars in Iran are female while 15% of the population are homeless. Around 70% of Iranian workers are barely surviving under the poverty level; inflation, unemployment and poverty is rising higher. Women are still denied fundamental rights and their basic needs as second class citizens. They are faced horrendous situation such as bans from leaving the country without first receiving permission from their husbands.
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Ethnic minorities have been frightfully stuck with systematic discrimination by the regime, such as lack of support from central government. The most obvious instance, the South Eastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan with the lowest economic participation and management in the country has the highest illiteracy rate, unemployment, percentage of poverty, rate of executions, mortality rates of mothers and children, per capita death and the largest number of Iranians without identification cards, lack of food security, the lowest level indicator of "life expectancy", the lack of judicial security and the highest percentage of malnutrition in the most disadvantaged provinces. The province is known for its tent schools for children.
The Arabs' situation in the South West of the country does not have such a definition as Baluchs. The region encircles 70% of Iran's oil resources and 30% of its water, with vast agricultural and fertile lands. Yet, 99% of the habitants of the zone, who are Arabs, are grappling with extreme poverty and deprivation in a large scale. 'Arab identity in the eyes of Iranians is a grievous sin and a grave threat,"an Ahwazi activist Rahim Hamid declared. Three Ahwazi Arab political activists, who born in Hamidiyeh in west of Ahwaz City, were sentenced to death by the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz around 20th March 2016, reliable sources inside the region declared. The Ahwazi citizens, Mr. Qis Dasher Saleh Obidawi and his brother Mr. Ahmad Dasher Saleh Obidawi, and their cousin Mr. Sajad Hamid Saleh Obidawi, were forcibly detained by Intelligence Service officials in April 2015 in Hamidiyeh City on the vague charges of Moharebeh (enmity against God), corruption on the earth, dangerous for national security and having connection with terrorism. Furthermore, Mr. Mohammad Helfi 25 years of age and Mr. Mehdi Abbas Alzayer Sayahi, both have sentenced to 35 years life imprisonment in Yazd, also Mr. Mehdi Moarebi and Mr. Ali Hassan Saleh Obidawi, both have sentenced to 25 years life imprisonment. They are kept in the solitary confinement since the arrest.

Poor Ahwazis loaf in the garbage, photo credit: Facebook.
The woeful situation is also a serious risk for Kurds, but in a slightly different way as well as broadcasted in the aforementioned essay. Kurdish people often work as the cross-border carriers known as Kolbar (backpack smuggler) who smuggle shipments, forcibly carry goods on their back or horseback across the illegal borders for a business purposes, to survive with brummagem money. According to the governmental statistics, tens of the carriers lose their lives annually because of climate conditions as impassable mountain path, failing into the valleys or rivers, landmine explosions and shootings by border security forces officials or snipers. Poverty brings it to the innocent people who are being stuck in the country ruling by Mullahs.
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Khamenei controls massive financial empire built on property seizures, Reuters said.
Arbitrary arrests skyrocketed and there are many civil-political prisoners in Iranian jails, mostly have been senselessly imposed by harsh verdicts, including long term imprisonment. Today, Islamist authorities of occupied Iran affirmed highest sentence against Iranian activists, among them, Arash Sadeghi (19 years in prison) and his wife Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee (6 years in prison). The sentence was previously held at Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court chaired by the infamous Judge Salavati. The infamous judge Abolghasem Salavati sentenced Amir Amirgholi, 33, to 21 years in prison at Branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran. Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, Yashar Darolshafa, Jafar Azimzadeh, Mohammad Jarahi, Saeed Shirzad, and Omid Alishenas, all of whom were jailed by the Revolutionary Guard. Omid Alishenas was finally released on the bail of 232,000 $ after spending 17 months in the prison, Boroujerdi Civil Rights Group reported.
Authorities hold prisoners of conscience amongst dangerous criminal imprisoned for serious offences such as murder, rape, drug smuggling, fraud and forgery and have no rights to conditional release.
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Since civil war in Afghanistan, Iran has provided refuge to over one million Afghan citizens and are identified as refugees by Iran's officials. Afghan citizens are deprived of education in Iranian schools and universities due to lack of the identification even the ones whose mother is Iranian. They are forbidden to enter pools and recreational parks in cities. Afghans have not the ownership rights to buy property. Intelligence Division of Iran's National Police Force catches innocent Afghan citizens to force them to undertake charges as murder, armed robbery, and drug trafficking when there are no clues. The Afghan inmates are severely tortured with brutal methods to make them confess. They could not be hospitalized in some metropolitan cities, and they are not allowed to own cards or get driving licenses. Authorities have reportedly urged Afghans to join the Syria's civil war with the promise of the right of residence or some money. Afghans are insulted with offensive words by Iranian citizens who are being instigated by officials. This word has become a mark of contempt as some Iranian citizens use the Afghan word as a curse to each other.
Thousands Iranian citizens die annually in the tragic traffic accidents due to lack of standard roads or Worn-out cars, plane crashes because of aging planes, food poisoning due to lack of standard monitoring on food industries, Death during surgery due to personnel negligence or lack of modern medical equipment and dozens being killed in landmine explosion remains in the borders since Iran-Iraq War. This exposes just a small part of the crimes under Mullahs ruling since 1979, that apologist regime's lobbies try capping it by their biased reports. The regime fans begging off if it is overthrown.
Many dedicated Iranian activists believe that International Community and IRI lobbies has not desired real improvements in human rights situation in Iran, based on their interests in Iran's nuke treaty.
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